Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Grammy's Tomatoes

Grammy's Tomatoes

Welcome to the start of this recipe series featuring tomatoes called "Grammy's Tomatoes." This series is inspired by my granddaughter, Lillee, a sweet 3 1/2 yr old. My daughter,  Jessica,  told me the other day that she was having a conversation about her garden stating that she did not have tomatoes when her daughter, Lillee, piped up and said, "it's okay Mommy, Grammy has tomatoes." Probably not what my hard working daughter wanted to hear but we enjoyed a few laughs about it.

Today has been another hazy, hot, and humid Maine summer day. I don't know about the rest of you, but on these types of days I have little appetite and I crave cold, crisp, fresh veggies from my garden. I braved the heat and took inventory of the garden.

It is nearing the end of August and the tomatoes are bountiful! I recalled the story of my granddaughter and thought a tomato salad on top of zucchini spiraled into "pasta" would be perfect for this day. Not wanting to re-invent the wheel I decided a traditional tomato and onion salad it would be.  

Dice 1 lb of tomatoes (I used roma here but a mixture of different types is good as well) and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Dice 1 medium red onion, tossing in with tomatoes. This traditional salad calls for 1/4 cup of basil but I find that to strong of a flavor so I used approx 1 1/2 tblsp chopped freshly picked basil. Drizzle 1/4 cup of high quality extra virgin olive oil and stir. Chill. 

Spiral 3 small zucchinis and 1 medium summer squash.

Saute veggie "pasta" in 1 tablespoon of either coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil for 3-5 minutes over medium high heat.

Serve cooked "pasta" with the chilled tomato and onion salad on top. Garnish with basil leaf.

Enjoy! This is a great traditional salad updated with zucchini and summer squash ribbons for a low carb, gluten free diet preference. Try adding grilled local, antibiotic, no hormones, natural chicken breast for a healthy twist to an old traditional favorite Chicken Parmesan. What inspires you? 

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