Wednesday, January 6, 2016

How I am doing 2016!


The importance of pampering self

2016. A new year. What is to come in this new year?

Like most of you, I, as well, dreaded the "New Year's resolution" we are socially pressured to partake in. All the resolutions that I failed to maintain replayed in my mind like a nightmare I couldn't wake up from. Knowing this was a form of negative self talk, I re-framed my thoughts, focusing on what I was able to accomplish.

The past few years have been monumental in growth; spiritually, emotionally, relationships, career, and in self-care. I have achieved credentials in becoming a Yoga Instructor and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. I've changed up my personal physical routines a few times, cleaned up my food choices, kicked the coffee habit, eliminated refined sugar (mostly), reduced symptoms of arthritis, increased physical strength, improved and strengthened a few relationships. This does not mean that I have experienced all rainbows and sunshine. I've experienced immense heartbreak as well along the way, which is important to recognize because these things have meaning for me. I am choosing to acknowledge the pain because it stems from deep love, and my feelings/emotions are mine-they are real for me, they are mine to honor. However, I am making great strides in not becoming bogged down by the heaviness of what that type of heartbreak and stress can cause. This is where I see my biggest growth-I can let it all go and move into each moment with gratitude and an open heart. I have also been completing goals/tasks set long ago. I've finished up some craft projects, built up garden beds, and recently got back into home remodeling!

Remodeling during the New Year's weekend resulted in rediscovering how absolutely delightful and nurturing a bath can be. We have lived in our home for a little over 26 years. We've redone the bedrooms 3 times each, the kitchen twice, and the living room twice. But we have never touched the god awful bath room. Without further explanation, you can imagine what a 70's style might look like in 2015, after having had a family raised in it. So it is with great excitement and pleasure we have begun the remodeling of our bathroom. The shower/tub was the first to be updated. Not having taken a bath in so many years now that I've forgotten just how long it has been, I was determined to make my first bath in our new digs special. 

I prepped for the bath, creating a spa like atmosphere. Candles illuminated the room. Epsom salt clear granules dissolved in the hot water as I tossed fresh rose petals throughout the bath and room. Spa music softly played while I indulged in the most luxurious bath I think I've ever taken. 

As I focused on the flickering light of the candle I realized just what I've been missing-PAMPERING myself! While I have been so great at "taking care of myself" in terms of exercise, nutrition, and creative time, I've missed the boat on really shutting out the world and completely absorbing myself mindfully in something so nurturing. A bath is a great buffer at the end of the day-helps to melt away the day's events and slow the body and mind into a calm, relaxed state ready for a peaceful night's sleep.    

So how will I do 2016? While I am not entirely sure I can make definite resolutions as I'm working on being more in the moment, letting things come and go (this does not mean irresponsible-no planning), I can say for sure that I will be taking time to have luxurious baths. Perhaps not always with rose petals but I will be investing in a tub massage pillow, a tub rack (to hold my book), and making many types of bath soaks. I will treat myself with loving kindness and pamper myself in the ways I do for others. I have lots of ways that I nurture myself, however, I had forgotten just how therapeutic a long hot bath can be. 

How do you pamper yourself?  

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