Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What Does Your Life Look Like?

What Does Your Life Look Like?

What shape does your life take on?

Most of us have an idea of how we feel our life is shaping up. Sometimes we feel really good about life, and sometimes we feel out of balance. Life is up and down. It is a long road with twists, turns, hills, valleys, and everything in between. 

It can be hard to see the bigger picture when we feel stuck, or out of balance. It can be hard to know what direction to start in. This is exactly how I was feeling when I started my Integrative Nutrition Health Coach education. The very first activity we were given changed my world! It showed me how to look at life as an entire whole made up of parts that ebb and flow. It gave me the visual I needed to understand why I felt out of balance. 

It was so helpful to me that I want to share it with you, the reader, in hopes that it may somehow give you a new perspective. So grab a piece of paper, a pen or pencil and come on back to try an exciting activity! 

Ready? Okay. First draw a circle as large as your piece of paper will allow for. Next, draw a line down the middle of your circle, then draw a line across the middle. Your circle will now have four parts. Draw two more lines, centering them in middle of your quadrants so it now looks like you have a pie with 8 slices. 

Along each line write one of the eight words, in any order you like. It doesn't have to be in any specific order. Just make sure you have used each word. Use only the word, not the definition in parentheses 

1) Relationships (all relationships in general; inside and outside your immediate circle).
2) Career (what you are doing for work currently).
3) Finances (be honest with yourself).
4) Spirituality (do you have a belief system, do you uphold it, are you consistent).
5) Health (overall health).
6) Energy Level (are you physically activity, do you feel exhausted all the time, etc).
7) Living environment (home life, organization, ability to manage your environment).
8) Pleasurable Experiences (do you experience joy/fun/satisfaction). 

Here comes the fun part! Make a dot in the center of the circle where all the slices meet. The center dot indicates dissatisfaction and the periphery of the circle indicates complete satisfaction. Place a dot on the line in each category to indicate your level of satisfaction within each area. (Most people fall somewhere in between). Connect the dots to see how your life takes shape.

Identify the imbalances. Determine where to spend more time and energy to create more of balance circle.

This is a fun way to see how your life takes shape. What are the areas that are in balance? What are the areas that need more attention? It is natural to be a little out of shape, after all, nobody is perfect. When we focus on one or two areas, other areas may change in how you feel about them. That is the natural ebb and flow of life.  The idea is to try and have a more rounded, or balanced, circle of life. 

Try this activity every so often, perhaps every 6 months or yearly, if that works better for you. Watch as your life takes on different shapes. 

I hope you enjoy and feel free to share what this exercise was like for you! 


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Macadamia Nut~Pesto (healthy update)

Macadamia Nut~Pesto (healthy update)

My healthy twist on an old favorite dish!

Greetings! It has been awhile since I have posted; life has been happening! I'm so excited to be back and want to share this delightfully delicious dish that I just today updated to a healthier version. I was introduced to the original recipe by a friend I met in a college class, back in my UMA days (before transferring to USM). 

I found myself having some extra time to peruse my collection of recipes this morning. I was craving something creamy and garden fresh, so the word pesto caught my attention. My herb garden is abundant this season and what says summer like freshly picked basil from the garden?

Due to my over indulgence in dairy the past month, I am feeling blah. I know better, and also know it is time to get back on track and follow more of an anti-inflammatory diet. Time to challenge myself by remaking a favorite dish to something that won't cause as much bloating, etc. 

And here is what I came up with!

I substituted the white flour fettuccine for Red Lentil Spaghetti (gluten free, therefore anti-inflammatory) and the half and half for Hemp Milk unsweetened. While I still used the parmesan cheese, the reduced dairy is a big help! And, for me, it is easier to digest the parm cheese vs the half and half. 


There is some serious creaminess going on in this twist! I LOVE the enhanced flavor the change of pasta provides for.

Go ahead and give the recipe a try. See how you can twist it up to suit your taste! 

*I did not use as much basil as it calls for as I prefer a lighter basil flavor. The lentil/brown rice spaghetti is a bit sticker than regular pasta so use oil of your choice while cooking it and then lightly coat before mixing it into the pesto.  

Share your ideas with us!