Sunday, July 19, 2015

Almond Cherry Pudding Pie; a healthly twist on a traditional dessert

Cherries! Oh, those sweet-tart little red stone berries are in season. Our tree has treated us to a bountiful crop this season.

A few weeks ago,  I was having company and wanted to use dessert as an opportunity to work on my health coaching skills. I browsed the internet looking for a healthy alternative to the traditional pudding pie, with hopes of using the berries from our yard once I perfected a recipe that I liked.  My search lead me to different recipes for almond milk chia pudding. I combined two of the ones I thought sounded good and then scouted my yard to see what berries would be a good match with almonds-CHERRIES. (Cherries and almond are a marriage that enhance each other's flavors.) Mine were not ripe at the time so I picked up a couple of bags at the local market.

Once I had a no sugar, no diary, low fat alternative to pudding, I needed a healthier substitution for the crust. ALMONDS. Almonds to enhance the almond milk pudding and flavor of cherries.

I really loved the almond pie shell. In the future, I will experiment with adding cinnamon and almond flour to the recipe. Most of my guests were delighted with the new spin on a traditional dessert, sparking conversation about the ingredients and non-sugar sweetener substitutes. (A health coach's dream come true!)  I had fun making this and it has inspired me to look for other healthy alternative ways to update old traditional treats!

Combine almond milk, honey, vanilla, and chia seeds in a bowl; set aside to thicken/set.

While your pudding is setting place almonds in a food processor and blend to a fine crumble.

 Prepare pie pan with coconut oil.
 Add raw honey to almond crumble, stirring until a dough ball forms, adding extra honey as needed.
 Divide dough according to pan portions. Press dough into pan, shaping as needed. Bake in a preheated 400* oven until pie shell is golden brown. Approximately 10 minutes.

 Remove from oven and let sit 5 minutes. Carefully remove pie shell from pan, using a butter knife to loosen edges as needed. Let shells cool completely and prepare other ingredients for assembling the pie.
 Layer cherries and pudding into pie shell. Top with whole cherries, mint, and carob nibs.


1 cup of Almond Milk (I use homemade)
1 teaspoon Vanilla
1/4 cup of Chia Seeds
2 Tbsp Raw Honey

2 cups pitted, halved cherries plus whole berries for garnish.

Pie Shell:
1 cup Raw Almonds
1-3 Tbsp Raw Honey

Fresh mint
Cacao Nibs

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