Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Something Old

Something Old

Something old,
something new.

Just how do you express 30 years of emotion? How do you connect generations and meaningful moments? 

These are the questions that have been swirling about in my head since my daughter, Jessica, announced she was getting married. I am sure many of you other parents understand all the emotions that this milestone evokes from us. 

What I kept coming back to was the memories of when she was born; the connections and bonds that were made. Normal, I suppose. We see all the years flash in front of us. The strongest memory I have of my daughter's first two years is the relationship she had with my mother-her grandmother.

Perhaps it is life experience that has taught me that the greatest value in life is not objects but the relationships we have and the quality of the present moment. Things come and go. They can all be taken away from us, at any given moment, as easily as we received them. Just as life can be.

Just how am I to show my daughter all that she means to me? Then it struck me. 
It certainly did not all come together at once, it took months for me to figure it all out. 

Honoring her request to have her wedding "on a budget" and following her lead in doing things herself, I thought making a couple of pillows to accent her choice in decor and seating would be fun. But not just  pillows, these were going to be special pillows with lots of love behind them. 

I invited my granddaughter, Lillee, over for some "wedding sewing" fun. How nice would it be to include her daughter in this project? 

As we sewed and stuffed, we talked about how mommy and daddy were getting married, how special the day was going to be for her family, how love creates family and family creates love.

The big day is almost upon us. It is time to present the simple pillows.

These simple pillows are not as simple as they look. They have layers of meaning. The burlap is not just a random piece of burlap. So my dear daughter, Jessica, these are made by your mother and daughter from an old potato sack your father (who adopted you) has saved for many years. Which is a perfect way to symbolize both his and your departed grandmother's presence in your life. She was very, very proud of her Aroostook County potato field roots. She adored potato sacks and barrels. She loved you very much. The bond you shared shined so brightly we could all see the glow. 

I hope that as my daughter sits against these pillows, she feels the support from the hands that made them, the soft love from an old fibers that have woven into the fabric of her life. May the threads that connect cushion her in all ways, always. 

Something old for something new...

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chocolate Almond & Coconut Cake (high protein snack)

Chocolate Almond & Coconut Cake

(High protein, natural sugar, gluten free snack)

 Oh, how I have missed baking!
 In my quest to remove refined sugar, bad fats, and processed ingredients from my diet I somehow brushed baking aside. Absolutely no need to give up baking-what was I thinking?

Looking through the new catalog from, I saw a lovely picture of a piece of cake from the featured recipe for coconut flour. My mouth began to water. Cake. I missed cake. I needed to bake a cake...

Reminding myself of the commitment to stay clear of refined sugar I began to think about what sugar substitutions I might be able to use as I continued to peruse the catalog. Then it jumped out at me-COCONUT SUGAR! A new sugar substitute. Excitedly I ordered the coconut flour and coconut sugar and waited for them to arrive.

My mind raced in a hundred different way pondering all the recipe variations I could conjure up as I waited for my ingredients to arrive. Just how could I make it different from ? For one, swap out the refined sugar for coconut sugar. And two, add
COCO. Make it a chocolate almond coconut cake. Why not? I love(d) Almond Joy candy bars, this might be a great healthy substitute, right?

At last my packaged arrived and I was ready to give my recipe twist a go! But first I did change a few more ingredients. I used almond milk instead of regular milk and I thought almond butter would make a great layer "glue" with a generous dollop of whipped coconut cream (milk) with sprinkles of cacao chips for garnish! I also sprinkled the cacao chips over the almond butter for "double" chocolate effect as well as for a texture teaser. 

While this recipe came out very good, I have some more tweaking to do. I am delighted with this experiment with coconut sugar. This recipe takes a once unhealthy treat and turns it into a high protein, no gluten, and no refined sugar snack! From carbo overload to long term energy packed power! 

If you are interested in learning more about my recipe twist, please comment with your email address and I will be sure to send you my recipe version!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Be Active!

 Be Active!

How are you nourishing your wellness? 

Being active is not only a way to manage weight and reduce risk of disease, it also is a great way to manage stress and nourish your overall wellness. A simple walk can be uplifting to your mood. 

Being a new mom can be overwhelming at times. One of the ways this beautiful new mom, Danielle, is working to manage the stress of recovering from major surgery and adjustment to newborn demands is by walking. She enjoys the quiet of nature, time with her baby, and opportunity to care for herself in a healthy way!

How active are you now?   What are the barriers you face in being able to get more active? Are there ways you can incorporate walking in your busy schedule? What interests do you have that  you could use to improve your activity level? 

One idea that I have to increase my activity level is to use my interest of photography. I grab my camera and go for a walk, exploring scenery and opportunities for unexpected moments to capture (like a bird landing right in front of you or a deer popping out from field).   A great way to help stay motivated is to walk with friends.

Try joining a local walking group or perhaps developing you own walking group. Combine interests such a photography, bird watching, new moms, recovery or management of disease, lunch break, etc. 

A simple walk daily helps keep you motivated, healthy, and improves the quality of your life. 

Here is a link from the Mayo Clinic that explains the benefits of walking and provides some helpful tips.

Feel free to post ideas you have to increase activity level as well as pictures of you and/or your group!