Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chocolate Almond & Coconut Cake (high protein snack)

Chocolate Almond & Coconut Cake

(High protein, natural sugar, gluten free snack)

 Oh, how I have missed baking!
 In my quest to remove refined sugar, bad fats, and processed ingredients from my diet I somehow brushed baking aside. Absolutely no need to give up baking-what was I thinking?

Looking through the new catalog from, I saw a lovely picture of a piece of cake from the featured recipe for coconut flour. My mouth began to water. Cake. I missed cake. I needed to bake a cake...

Reminding myself of the commitment to stay clear of refined sugar I began to think about what sugar substitutions I might be able to use as I continued to peruse the catalog. Then it jumped out at me-COCONUT SUGAR! A new sugar substitute. Excitedly I ordered the coconut flour and coconut sugar and waited for them to arrive.

My mind raced in a hundred different way pondering all the recipe variations I could conjure up as I waited for my ingredients to arrive. Just how could I make it different from ? For one, swap out the refined sugar for coconut sugar. And two, add
COCO. Make it a chocolate almond coconut cake. Why not? I love(d) Almond Joy candy bars, this might be a great healthy substitute, right?

At last my packaged arrived and I was ready to give my recipe twist a go! But first I did change a few more ingredients. I used almond milk instead of regular milk and I thought almond butter would make a great layer "glue" with a generous dollop of whipped coconut cream (milk) with sprinkles of cacao chips for garnish! I also sprinkled the cacao chips over the almond butter for "double" chocolate effect as well as for a texture teaser. 

While this recipe came out very good, I have some more tweaking to do. I am delighted with this experiment with coconut sugar. This recipe takes a once unhealthy treat and turns it into a high protein, no gluten, and no refined sugar snack! From carbo overload to long term energy packed power! 

If you are interested in learning more about my recipe twist, please comment with your email address and I will be sure to send you my recipe version!

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