Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Be Active!

 Be Active!

How are you nourishing your wellness? 

Being active is not only a way to manage weight and reduce risk of disease, it also is a great way to manage stress and nourish your overall wellness. A simple walk can be uplifting to your mood. 

Being a new mom can be overwhelming at times. One of the ways this beautiful new mom, Danielle, is working to manage the stress of recovering from major surgery and adjustment to newborn demands is by walking. She enjoys the quiet of nature, time with her baby, and opportunity to care for herself in a healthy way!

How active are you now?   What are the barriers you face in being able to get more active? Are there ways you can incorporate walking in your busy schedule? What interests do you have that  you could use to improve your activity level? 

One idea that I have to increase my activity level is to use my interest of photography. I grab my camera and go for a walk, exploring scenery and opportunities for unexpected moments to capture (like a bird landing right in front of you or a deer popping out from field).   A great way to help stay motivated is to walk with friends.

Try joining a local walking group or perhaps developing you own walking group. Combine interests such a photography, bird watching, new moms, recovery or management of disease, lunch break, etc. 

A simple walk daily helps keep you motivated, healthy, and improves the quality of your life. 

Here is a link from the Mayo Clinic that explains the benefits of walking and provides some helpful tips.

Feel free to post ideas you have to increase activity level as well as pictures of you and/or your group! 

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