Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lillee Bars

Lillee Bars

Kid Friendly Easy Healthy Granola Bar

While making the last batch of Easy No-Bake Granola bars, my granddaughter kept saying, "add strawberries Grammy, I like strawberries." She had a blast making them and even enjoyed a few bites. But I kept thinking about her sad face when I explained "no strawberries today." 

So I set my intentions on creating a "Lillee Bar" full of strawberries and perhaps an alternative sweetener, as evidently, she has recently developed an aversion to honey. I searched high and low for dehydrated strawberries-no luck. I finally found freeze dried strawberries with bananas. Perfect! She loves bananas too! A great flavor combination; I couldn't go wrong. 

Flavor combinations! Oh, the excitement of creating a yummy treat for a 4 yr old. I made decision to use maple syrup instead of honey, to use plain oats instead of toasting them, and to add some vanilla. I omitted chocolate chips/carob nibs. Recipe set I invited miss Lillee and her mom over to test out it out.

We measured and poured. 

We broke the strawberries and bananas up
We stirred
We warmed the maple syrup and melted the peanutbutter

We added the wet mixture to the dry mixture

We stirred some more

We dumped into parchment lined 8x8 dish

We spread mixture evenly, making sure to push down firmly to help it all stick together. We placed plastic wrap on top and refrigerated for approximately 20 minutes. (Most likely longer because we started chatting and forgot about the time!)
We removed from dish, cut, and enjoyed!

Volia! Lillee Bars! Lillee tested and approved!

This is the same recipe as the previous post for Easy No-Bake Healthy Granola Bars with the changes I stated above.

What flavor combinations can you create? Share your ideas and pictures us!

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