Wednesday, March 9, 2016

For The Love of Sprouting & Chickens!

Sprouting Grains for Chickens

Nourishing our chickens over the winter

Grains! Glorious sprouted grains. We enjoy sprouting for our own health benefits. We care for ourselves in organic, nutritious ways. But what about our chickens? How do we provide fresh nourishment  during the winter months to our free rangers? 

One of they ways we can provide our beloved chickens with entertainment and nutrition is by sprouting grains for them! A fresh block of sprouted grains on the white winter landscape will delight and feed our feathered egg laying friends. Take their health a step above the prepared pellets and increase the nutritional value of eggs-the eggs you eat and share with your family, friends, and local farmer's markets. 

I started experimenting with leftover grains I had in my pantry; millet and lentils. I have since been sprouting Red Clover and Oats. 

Millet & Lentils
First soaking

Day 3-sprouted lentils. Just about ready. I went another day before feeding them to my chickens. 

Without reinventing the wheel, I am sharing a couple of links that will provide for more detailed information regarding both sprouting grains in general and for chickens. Please take some time to read these great sites!

Share the ways you love your grains and chickens with us!

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